The Often Overlooked Source for Sermon Inspiration (Or What Hiking in Indiana Taught Me About God's Glory)

The Often Overlooked Source for Sermon Inspiration (Or What Hiking in Indiana Taught Me About God's Glory)

God's glory is revealed in the small as well as the big: in the sparrow and the heavens, the mustard seed and the mountains, the little children and the disciples. And our preaching grows stronger when we learn to attune ourselves to the way God appears in the smallest details of the Bible's stories and text. 

Was Your Easter Sermon Effective? 6 Elements to Help You Evaluate and Know

Was Your Easter Sermon Effective? 6 Elements to Help You Evaluate and Know

Now that the the candy's eaten, the dishes are washed, and the schedule has settled back into something resembling normalcy, take a few minutes to reflect on your Easter sermon. Was it effective? How would you know? Using BsP's 6-elements of an effective sermon, see where you excelled and where you can grow for your next sermon.

A Preacher's Meditation for Maundy Thursday

A Preacher's Meditation for Maundy Thursday

"Not by annihilating the wicked, not by forcibly eliminating evil from among humankind is righteousness to be realized; the Lord wills to rehabilitate the world by turning sinners from evil ways that they may live. And we must admit that this is more difficult than the use of force."

A Preacher's Meditation for Tuesday of Holy Week

A Preacher's Meditation for Tuesday of Holy Week

"The women gather round the cross, fall to their knees in the wet sand and pray. Then they dance round the cross, the symbol of this folly. These women have lost everything—their homes, their families, their jobs and their possessions. They have nothing more to lose—only their chains, but everything to win."