advent preaching

Preaching through Advent? Prepare Now with a Stop-Doing List for More Rest, Connection, and Joy

Preaching through Advent? Prepare Now with a Stop-Doing List for More Rest, Connection, and Joy

Whether you feel happy, sad, angry, or a mix of those this season, one thing is almost certain: your to-do list abounds. To make your Advent season and Christmastide more joyful, here are ten “Stop Doing” suggestions you can begin to implement now.

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Advent (&dvent) Devotional (A Guest Post)

Advent (&dvent) Devotional (A Guest Post)

Like all deliciously wonderful things in life, Advent takes time to simmer and to develop flavor, texture, and richness. We have created a multi-media devotional based on the assigned texts from the Revised Common Lectionary, Yr B. Inside you’ll find corresponding word clouds, photographs, and resources, as well as questions for reflection. May this devotion offer you a sense of ease and comfort, a place for the Spirit to simmer inside you and inspire you to pull up a chair alongside nature—to see and hear her Advent beauty.  

Three Christmas Sermon Themes for a Pandemic Christmas

Three Christmas Sermon Themes for a Pandemic Christmas

It probably feels hard to keep the “merry” in “Merry Christmas” this year. We will miss so many of the usual Christmas traditions. While it is right to grieve, it is also right to find unexpected blessings in our stripped-down celebrations of the Incarnation this year. We can focus more clearly on the “why:” why did God choose to live among us?