sermon prep routine

Two Powerful Words + Three Easy Strategies To Write Sermons in a Busy Season

Two Powerful Words + Three Easy Strategies To Write Sermons in a Busy Season

Because sermon crafting by its very nature is a creative endeavor, and because ministry by nature is unpredictable, sermon prep won’t always go according to plan. There is much we can’t control about the process. But there is much more we can! We increase the odds dramatically that sermon prep will go according to plan when we do this one thing: show up. And we can increase our odds of showing up by making it as easy, hospitable, and worthwhile as possible.

Saved by the bell: the power of monastic practices to rescue us from burnout (a guest post)

Saved by the bell: the power of monastic practices to rescue us from burnout (a guest post)

Willpower is far less effective when we’re tired and worn out. And right now, we’re emotionally and mentally exhausted. We literally don’t have the mental energy to make more decisions—even when they’re in our best interest. This is the role of practices: to take the activities that will nurture, strengthen, and renew us, and make them routine rather than a decision to make.

Best Sermon Prep Practices for Preachers—By Preachers!

Best Sermon Prep Practices for Preachers—By Preachers!

I asked preachers who are members of Backstory Preaching’s Collective what their best practices are? What have they found effective in getting a meaningful sermon written week after week? And how have they created respite in the process? Their ideas may inspire you to try something new or more effective this week. And we’d love to hear your suggestions, too!