live lectio Mondays

The Often Overlooked Source for Sermon Inspiration (Or What Hiking in Indiana Taught Me About God's Glory)

The Often Overlooked Source for Sermon Inspiration (Or What Hiking in Indiana Taught Me About God's Glory)

God's glory is revealed in the small as well as the big: in the sparrow and the heavens, the mustard seed and the mountains, the little children and the disciples. And our preaching grows stronger when we learn to attune ourselves to the way God appears in the smallest details of the Bible's stories and text. 

When a Good Sermon Isn't Enough: Overcoming 3 Obstacles to Experiencing the Gospel

When a Good Sermon Isn't Enough: Overcoming 3 Obstacles to Experiencing the Gospel

As preachers, we all strive for:

  • a compelling introduction
  • a clear message
  • great stories that help our listeners connect abstract concepts to lived experience
  • and a message that leaves the building with them


Because these elements help move the listener toward an encounter with the Living Word.

But sometimes, good sermon practices aren't enough. 

As preachers, we may also need to remove obstacles that cast a shadow on people's experience of grace, truth, and love.