
How to enrich your understanding of biblical characters for more compelling sermons

How to enrich your understanding of biblical characters for more compelling sermons

In the same way that seeing Batman with an ice cream cone colors your perspective of him, so too can a few well-placed details in your sermon open up the humanity—the common fears, hopes, regrets, quirks, and dreams—of the biblical characters so your listeners connect to the Good News more deeply.

Compelling preaching, efficient prep: Avoid these three common sermon prep traps

Compelling preaching, efficient prep: Avoid these three common sermon prep traps

Sermon prep is hard. And time-consuming. But we may be making it harder and more time-consuming than it needs to be. Are you falling prey to these three common sermon prep traps? Read on to find out and get practical tools to streamline your prep and offer more compelling sermons.

When the Mystery is Magnified: the Gospel and the Microscope (A Guest Post)

When the Mystery is Magnified: the Gospel and the Microscope (A Guest Post)

“The main thing I remember about the microscope was the mystery of how changing the magnification could make the object I was looking at appear completely different, even though it was the same leaf or seed or bark or flower.” The same is true when we examine the biblical narratives. We can use three different lenses to understand our lives as followers of Jesus.