Sermon Themes for Advent & Christmas

Looking for a jump-start on your Advent and Christmas sermons?

Look no further!

Attached below is a free guide to potential sermon themes to get you started!

Here's what's included:

  1. An overview of the liturgical season of Advent

  2. Revised Common Lectionary: Seven Advent-Christmas themes, four based on the books, and three by subject

  3. Narrative Lectionary: Two Advent-Christmas themes

  4. Questions for Reflection

I hope they save you time, energy, and effort by giving you a launching point for your sermons, sermon series, Christian ed., and worship planning this busy season.



Take the stress out of preaching this Advent & Christmas!

Advent-Christmas Sermon Prep Bundle

Start December with inspiration from (ret.) New Testament professor Jane Patterson and finish the month relaxed, prepared, and fully present to the festivities after prepping your Advent 4 and Christmas sermons early.

Members of The Collective+ already have access to the events offered in the bundle as part of their membership. No need to register.