Advent Quote Collection: Inspiration for the Season

I’m a pack rat who collects bits and pieces of language.

Words of wisdom. Poignant paragraphs. Compelling ideas that point the way to God.

This Advent collection shows the “now and not yet,” the “here and not here” of Christ’s presence.

If these quotations resonate with you, you might use them in your Advent sermons, liturgical prayers, or personal or household devotions for the season.

Regardless, these quotations are worthy to be pondered because they help us remember the only thing that matters: Christ and Christ alone.

Organized under the themes of Encountering, Noticing, Preparing, Waiting, and Magnifying, the authors are always cited, but because the quotes were collected here and there, I didn’t always make a note of their origin at the time they got stuffed into my quotation file. When I did, however, the reference is given. The Scripture quotes are from the NRSV.

I hope we all prepare well for the coming of Christ. Until then, though, we will meet him now in the lament of those who mourn, in the outpouring of goods for those who have lost all, in the anchoring of those who are adrift, in the championing of laws that protect the powerless, and in the clear-eyed vision of seeing one another as equally worthy of Christ’s coming.

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