Easter Quotes for Preaching & Inspiration (2024)

“I believe in Christ, like I believe in the sun— not because I can see it, but by it I can see everything else.” —C.S. Lewis

Isn't that just the truth?

When we live into the light of Jesus Christ, we see all things by Christ's illumination and we behave differently as a result.

When we see God's creation through the light of Christ, we marvel at God's imagination and are drawn to protect God's handiwork.

When we see our relationships with family members, friends, neighbors, and colleagues through the light of Christ, we marvel at the unique image of God they reveal to us and are drawn to respect them and cherish them.

When we see the Church through the light of Christ, we give thanks for the ways this imperfect body has revealed that light to us, and we are drawn to share it with others.

Now, to your Easter sermons: These reflections (which would preach!) came from just a few minutes of pondering one quote from the 2024 collection of Easter Quotes below.

Imagine the sermons and reflections you will discover inside the collection's pages!
