At-Home Christmas Retreat for Preachers (2021)

Dear Preachers,

Thank you for your labors of love to preach and lead worship for your parishioners this Advent and Christmas, and for every year you have done so, in or out of the pulpit.

Thank you for all your words of grace and call, mercy and gratitude, forbearance and action.

Thank you for attending to your loved ones in the midst whether they have two feet, four feet, fins, or wings.

Thank you for bearing witness in your life to the perpetual presence of God-with-Us.

To thank you, you are invited to download your free, at-home Christmas retreat to help refresh your spirit.

Crafted to be flexible, you can choose to engage the retreat for 90 minutes, three hours, or six.

I pray it cultivates your awareness of and gratitude for Joy-with-Us, this Christmastide and always.